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physical properties of soils中文是什么意思

用"physical properties of soils"造句"physical properties of soils"怎么读"physical properties of soils" in a sentence


  • 土壤的物理性质


  • Study on the physical property of soil water of pinus sylvertris var . mongolica plantation in zhanggutai area
  • Thinning stands with the thinning intensity of about 20 % and 30 % had no significant effects on species diversity , biomass of shrub and herb , and physical properties of soil
    各林分的树种组成在12年间基本没有发生变化,即间伐没有显著地改变林分的树种组成,目前的树种组成即落叶松、其他针叶树(云杉、冷杉和红松)和阔叶树组成比约为6 : 3 : 1可能是相对稳定的群落。
用"physical properties of soils"造句  
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